7-year old existential podiatry question

I was driving past Temple's podiatry school last night on my way to dinner with my son. I naturally took the opportunity to explain that there are specialized doctors called podiatrists.  My son asks probably the best question I could ever think of:

"Well, how do people get there then?"

I should have done an MBA

A Sunday morning kitchen experiment...

I love the logic of this.  Cereal that advertises for 10g of protein with milk begs the question of how much protein comes from the milk.

8g of the advertised protein comes from the milk.  These Don Drapers of the marketing world are geniuses. I could advertise water that has 8 grams of protein when added to milk using the same formula.

Why didn't I just do an MBA?  

Semantic model for upcoming paper

This simple Tinker Toy schematic of semantic memory organization took me 11 years to develop. Sensorimotor modules (a=vision, b=motor, c=olfaction, etc) feed a low-order hub (probably the angular gyrus). The low order hub binds representations into a coarse format that is then subjected to symbolic transformations by the high order hub. Words (lex in the schematic) access symbolic representations directly. Language and percepts combine within high order hubs because they share the same root symbolic representation.

Florida visit for dissertation defense

Just returned from Gainesville, Florida where my PhD student successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations, Josh!

Here's August messing around in the swamp near our old house. It was great to see everyone but also quite sad to see the shape of my former department.  

Music selection

Okay, everyone makes fun of me when I post my ongoing music selections. However, I have to give a shoutout to Erik Satie's Gnossiene #3 right now.  Listen to it on Spotify. It'll haunt the crap out of you.